
Thank you for all of your love and support.

Thank you for being YOU

Opulence Apparel Company was established in 2018 by owner and creative director Chanel Thorley in Las Vegas, NV. 

An English Dictionary defines Opulence as: wealth, affluence, and luxury.

The Opulence Mindset takes this materialistic illustration of riches a step further, applying this in the echelon of the mind. 

Gautama Buddha said "What you think you become." 

The Opulence Mindset is all about improving the wellness of our mental health.

Life is a journey full of ups and downs, love and loss. As we navigate what the Universe has to teach us, we understand that in the human experience there is really only one variable of this life that we can control... and that is our mindset and attitude in ever situation.  


Opulence is an evolutionary attitude using the art medium of fashion and apparel accessories to outwardly express our inner celebration of abundance of self love and inner peace. The Opulence Mindset is the natural vibration of Love. 

It is our hope and honor, that you would choose to wear our Opulence Apparel designs to positively convey pride in oneself and the knowledge that you are loved in every phase of this human experience.  

"I am like the moon. No matter what phase, I am always whole."

Love, Opulence Apparel Family